########## Wiki pages ########## References ========== * v4 API: + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectWiki` + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectWikiManager` + :attr:`gitlab.v4.objects.Project.wikis` + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.GroupWiki` + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.GroupWikiManager` + :attr:`gitlab.v4.objects.Group.wikis` * GitLab API for Projects: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/wikis.html * GitLab API for Groups: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/group_wikis.html Examples -------- Get the list of wiki pages for a project. These do not contain the contents of the wiki page. You will need to call get(slug) to retrieve the content by accessing the content attribute:: pages = project.wikis.list() Get the list of wiki pages for a group. These do not contain the contents of the wiki page. You will need to call get(slug) to retrieve the content by accessing the content attribute:: pages = group.wikis.list() Get a single wiki page for a project:: page = project.wikis.get(page_slug) Get a single wiki page for a group:: page = group.wikis.get(page_slug) Get the contents of a wiki page:: print(page.content) Create a wiki page on a project level:: page = project.wikis.create({'title': 'Wiki Page 1', 'content': open(a_file).read()}) Update a wiki page:: page.content = 'My new content' page.save() Delete a wiki page:: page.delete() File uploads ============ Reference --------- * v4 API: + :attr:`gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectWiki.upload` + :attr:`gitlab.v4.objects.GrouptWiki.upload` * Gitlab API for Projects: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/wikis.html#upload-an-attachment-to-the-wiki-repository * Gitlab API for Groups: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/group_wikis.html#upload-an-attachment-to-the-wiki-repository Examples -------- Upload a file into a project wiki using a filesystem path:: page = project.wikis.get(page_slug) page.upload("filename.txt", filepath="/some/path/filename.txt") Upload a file into a project wiki with raw data:: page.upload("filename.txt", filedata="Raw data") Upload a file into a group wiki using a filesystem path:: page = group.wikis.get(page_slug) page.upload("filename.txt", filepath="/some/path/filename.txt") Upload a file into a group wiki using raw data:: page.upload("filename.txt", filedata="Raw data")